5 Factors to Consider When Planning Kitchen Remodeling
Tired of cooking your soupes à l’oignon and roasting your duck confits in a bland-looking kitchen with few amenities and scarcely enough new age appliances to make your life as a cook easier and more fun?
You’re dissatisfied with the arrangement of your cooking tools and wish you didn’t have to pace thirty feet just to fetch the ladle from all the way yonder?
Well, if the answer to these questions is a resounding ‘yes’, we’ve got just the solution for you – a thorough remodeling venture!
In this article, we’ve assembled a list o’ 5 essential consideration factors that you’ll need to pay your attention to when it comes to equipping your kitchen with cutting-edge utensils!
Right then, without further ado, let’s see what we have here.
5 Consideration Factors When Planning a Kitchen Remodel
1) Figure Out Your Budget
It’s highly advisable you determine your budget before you start brainstorming the ideas for the remodel.
You see, you can end up with too many exciting ideas you just won’t be able to materialize simply because you’re lacking the resources to cover it all. Therefore, the first thing to do before you start anything else is to sit down and come up with a realistic budget!
2) Consider Your New Kitchen Style
When it comes to the overall vibe and style of the room, kitchens are one of the most rewarding places to experiment.
Fancy making your kitchen look like a pirate cook’s abode with plenty of wooden barrels, wood stoves, and a small pantry? (Also made of wood?) By all means, go for it!
Would you like an industrial-style restaurant kitchen with high-tech amenities scaled to make meals en masse? You can do that, too.
3) Muse Over the Layout
That’s the layout of the big appliances. We’re talking the fridge, the stove, the dishwasher and perhaps the microwave and one of those chunky mixers if you have it.
The thing is, your dynamic as a cook will pretty much determined by these couple of crucial items and their position in relation to each other.
This is why many cooks tend to build the so-called ‘stations’ around these appliances. The more conveniently you place these around your kitchen, the better your overall cooking flow will be! (Plus, preparing meals will take less time!)
4) Pick Gas-Based or Electric Stoves
As you may have anticipated, both of these solutions have their advantages and disadvantages.
As far as gas stoves are concerned, operating them will cost less than an electric stove in the long run. On the other hand, installing them will require more equipment and it takes longer. (Especially if you don’t already have a gas pipe in your house.)
As for the electric stoves, they’re a breeze to set up and have an attractive glossy top. (The modern ones do, anyway.) On the flipside, they will probably cost more to operate in the long run.
Now, whether you decide to go for gas or electric, installing some anti-fire protection would always be a good idea. Fire extinguishers and fire ducts from ThorDuct, for example, spring to mind as the first line of defense in case of a fire!
5) Windows and Natural Light
Although this one would be technically true for every room in your house, it’s quite important you make sure your kitchen receives plenty of natural light, as this will improve the overall atmosphere in there and also make you, as a cook, a happy go lucky chef!
Natural light has the curious ability to raise one’s mood and is strongly advisable to allow as much of it in your kitchen as possible.
All things considered, remodeling your kitchen is a fun activity that can truly awaken your inner creativity and make you into a proper chef designer! Sort of. Just make sure not to mess it up horribly and mind that natural light. Best of luck!