Why Grain Pattern Is So Important To Consider While Purchasing Hardwood Flooring?
Sometimes, we don’t get the desired flooring that we expect despite we have chosen the best wood for our floor. As each wood type has its own naturally occurring grains, knots, and patterns; but, the way trees are cut also plays a vital role in your floor design. If you do not know much about the differences between various types of sawn, you may get the best advice for hardwood flooring Toronto from Chestnut Flooring Company. Moreover, here we have described the difference between plain sawn, rift sawn and quarter sawn to make you understand them better before making any purchases.
Plain Sawn Hardwood Flooring
The most affordable approach to cut the tree is to just saw the tree in a way that delivers a high amount of usable wood. Usually, the trees are trimmed vertically for getting the long and wide strips of wood and are ideal for wooden flooring. This sawing pattern makes wood planks on which you can ovals curves, and roundabout, undulating designs. Plain sawn flooring is generally cheaper than hardwood flooring with quarter sawn, or fracture sawn.
Quarter Sawn Hardwood Flooring
Quarter Sawn planks are more expensive to produce than the plain sawn as it delivers less usable wood after sawing. In Quarter Sawn sawing process, to quarter saw a tree, first, it is trimmed into four quarter pieces. Then, these four pieces are then consistently trimmed into further strips going the same direction. Besides its high cost, quarter-sawn varieties attract consumers as its straight grain is very appealing. In some cases, it is demanded more than other types as it gives elegant look to the floor where it is installed.
Rift Sawn Hardwood Flooring
This will be the most expensive alternative for your wooden flooring as the cutting of rift sawm leaves the least usable wood. However, it has high demand as it usually has straight grain patterns which are easily adapted to any space. In its cutting process, the planks or boards are trimmed parallel to the rings which produce a large amount of unusable wood. For some, the rift sawn hardwood flooring is quite appealing, but for others, it’s not as gain patterns is not a matter of consideration for them. That’s why it is less sold.
On the other hand, there is no particular advantage of buying any particular hardwood grain pattern. Most designers choose a particular pattern of grain as it looks best in the space they are flooring.